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Ice Texture


The current way of ice management is out of date and not suitable for the sports facility operators and all the customers from the big organizations to the coach running a small business.  Wasted ice time and/or opportunities is not good for anyone and Ice Exchange fixes this.  Customers want a better solution that saves time, is secure, and helps new business start.  Ice Exchange is the solution and provides a true, transparent market for ice time and ice programs that is accessible for all while keeping the hierarchy in place from the top down.

1. The facility ice rinks owners. 

2. Major tenants of the facility

3. Coaches and Customers 

Ice Exchange provides a central platform for facilities to market their ice time and programming.  Customers can find all available options based on their location.  Organizations can purchase more ice and take on more risk knowing that if they are not able to use certain times they can be redistributed to a new user who can use the ice.  If I were a young player again growing up working on my game and I could go to one place every week and see what my available options were to skate in real time that would be good.  Ice Exchange Inc is about development and efficiency for everyone.  It is time we embrace the change.  When you order at a restaurant how helpful is Opentable, when you find a ride from point a to point b how helpful is Uber, this is what ice exchange is for the ice hockey and figure skating community.  

-Chris Myhro 

Founder and Coach 



Our Founder

Chris Myhro is the founder of Myhro Hockey Performance and Ice Exchange Inc. He has activley been involved with hockey for 30 years. He created Ice Exchange in order to make it easier for athletes to find ice skating near them.

Chris Myhro


Chris has been actively involved with hockey for 30 years, participating as a player, coach, organizational director, and consultant. He launched Ice Exchange Inc in 2023, with the goal of creating an online marketplace for sports facilities and their customers. 


  • Founding Member of United States Elite League 

  • Former Pro & Division I Player 

  • Founder of Myhro Hockey Performance 

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